Recorded Zoom meeting 链接
When: August 1st @ 2PM, 2020 CST
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Meeting ID: 893 8520 7801
Passcode: 266095
作为第一代移民的你,是不是感觉到职业中的天花板? 我们这些新移民,是不是注定这一生只能是优秀的会计师,审计师,工程师,教师, 而那些C-Suite的职务永远跟是那样的遥不可及?
我们华人怎样在事业中有所突破? 主流这个词,是不是我们心中永远的痛?
为解决这些困惑,我们请到一位第一代移民中的一员和我们分享他的经历。他跟我们一样来美国留学, 硕士毕业以后在美国工作,从审计师,到审计合伙人,再到事务所的高级合伙人和管理合伙人,突破了那层职业天花板。 他将以他亲身的经历,给我们将一个在美国职场奋斗圆梦的故事。 在第一代移民中,华人成为会计师事务所合伙人为数很少, 成为管理合伙人局更少, 他是怎样做到的?
Get the answers for the following:
Are we “Silent Asian”?
10,000 Hour Rule
Office Politics
The Importance of Mentor
Get out of your comfort zone and brand Yourself
How to develop the Leadership
George Qin, CPA, CMA, MBA, Audit Partner at MaloneBailey
秦晓东(George Qin): MaloneBailey LLP审计合伙人和管理合伙人。作为负责上市公司及非上市公司的审计业务的合伙人, George在IPO审计领域尤其是中概股美国IPO审计方面在业界享有很高的声誉。在中美高规格财经媒体上接收采访并发表专业意见, 如美国的<华尔街日报>以及中国的<财经杂志>。
秦晓东1987年天津大学本科毕业后进入中国人民大学攻读研究生。1993年赴美留学。1997 年到2007年主要先后在休斯顿普华永道和德勤工作。2007年成为MaloneBailey LLP合伙人, 2016年成为管理合伙人。
George gives his clients the confidence and security in knowing their compliance and accounting needs are aptly met. His SEC reporting experience includes Forms 10-K, 10-Q, S-1. S-3 and S-4 filings. He joined MaloneBailey in 2007 as an Audit Partner.
George also has proficiency guiding clients through their initial implementation of SOX, preparing consolidated financial statements, and leading clients through mergers and acquisitions, master limited partnership formation and initial public offerings. In addition, George has extensive experience in forensic accounting and auditing.
With over two decades of accounting experience under his belt, George was previously employed with two Big 4 accounting firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP and Deloitte & Touche, LLP, where he acted as senior associate and audit senior manager, respectively. In addition, his experience includes working in industry as a senior accounting analyst for Lyondell Chemical Company and as an auditor for a small, local accounting firm. George has nearly nine years of experience working with microcap companies.
George earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Tianjing University in Tianjin, China and his master’s in business administration from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Management Accountants.