Dear friends,
Coronavirus pandemic is threatening everyone’s wellbeing in our community. Schools and restaurants have been closed. The hospitals are in urgent need of medical equipment and supplies. At this critical moment, Sino Professional Association along with other few local organizations are calling on everyone to donate. We are IRS recognized 501©(3) nonprofit organization, your donation is tax deductible. We will prepare the donation receipts and inform you when they are ready. We greatly appreciate your donation and support!
尊敬的各位同胞,协会会员们, 你们好!
新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情传播广泛,已经严重影响了我们的正常生活和健康。美国当地目前非常缺乏医疗物资,很多医护工作者面临没有医护产品或被迫重复使用的局面。经过商量,我们决定将之前援助武汉献爱心的余款全部用于购买医疗物资,用于支持北美的COVID-19的缓解和恢复工作,同时继续号召大家并接受捐款,所有的捐款都将用于购买医护产品捐赠给美国本地需要的团体或组织。目前参与的协会有华夏学人协会,美国华裔心脏协会,Music of Harmony, 全美华人协会,川渝同乡会,Lubbock华人社团,华东理工大学休斯顿校友会,联合校友会等.
我们已经做了很多的研究,和国内各大工厂直接联系,并且已经从国内订购了一批一次性医用外科口罩,因为此种产品国内资源紧张,都需要提前预付款到工厂排队等货,我们已经排到第一批货,下周将用航空快递发出,预计将有1万个一次性医用外科口罩下周到达休斯顿。 同胞们,请帮助我们身边的医护人员,帮助我们居住的社区,保护好我们的家园,我们再次号召美南所有的华人华侨同胞们加入到我们的队伍当中,捐款捐物。我们是美国税务局认证的501©(3)非盈利组织,此次捐款活动我们可以为您开出您的捐款免税证明,同时也会公布所有捐款人的姓名和捐款数额。 感谢大家的捐款和支持。
If you have questions and suggestions on this donation event, please email
Eilen Huang or Ming Lin
黄华 or林明
Donation Methods(捐款渠道):
- Chase Quick Pay: Please send the payment to Name: CVD, please comment( 请注明) “Donation to CV 19 plus your name(您的协会名称)”
- Write check to “SPC”, Memo“Donation To CV 19 ”. mail it to 6161 Savory Dr. STE 850, Houston, TX, 77036
- You can find the donor list and amounts below: 如果您Chase Quick Pay 或者邮寄支票到上面的地点,下面的链接可以查询您捐款的时间和金额,请理解我们都是义工,我们会尽量及时的更新链接,如果超过36小时还没有看但您的捐款请和我们联系 .
Medical Supply Request Form
If you work at hospitals, Emergency Room, ICU,Police departments, Fire stations, nursing association or any other organization that in need of the medical supplies, please ask the office in charge or manager at your hospital or organization to complete the request form. So the form can provide us with the information to determine if we can make a donation.